February 10, 2025
Coming out this weekend

Dear Reader,

I hope you will enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. For a long time, I’ve had a soft spot for Escape (The Piña Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes—it’s one of my guilty pleasures.

At first, I wrote this story purely for my own entertainment, but as it came together, I realized I couldn’t just keep it to myself. That’s one of the joys of being an indie author—I get to explore different genres and follow wherever inspiration takes me. Since my mind is always brimming with ideas, I often find myself working on multiple stories at once. That’s probably why this is already my third release in just six weeks!

New releases—especially from indie authors—always need a little extra support. If you enjoyed this story (or any of my previous books), I would truly appreciate it if you left an honest review on the platform where you purchased or downloaded it, or on Goodreads. Your review not only helps other readers decide whether to pick up my book but also makes a huge difference in helping my work reach a wider audience.

Thank you for reading, and I hope to share more stories with you soon!


Zoey Michaels

Previous Releases and Future Projects

Released in 2025

The Seventh Minute / Contemporary Fantasy 

The Echoed Mind / Dystopian/Cyberpunk

Love, Lies, and Pina Coladas / Romance

Upcoming Projects 

The Eighth Minute  / Contemporary Fantasy

Angry Air  / Fantasy/Dystopian

The Prescribed Lie (Book 1: The Pharmocracy Series) / Dystopian Futuristic 

The Breaking Point / Psychological- Financial Thriller (based on a true story)

I Am NOT Your ATM / Satire Humor 

For the latest news, previews and updates visit ZoeyMichaels.com or follow me on Facebook